The Place of English in Modern India

Macaulay's prediction, that the “English may leave India one day but English would be there” has not been falsified as yet. There was a strong sentiment against English in some Northern States and Gujarat in the post independence days. The study of English was ignored in schools and colleges. Efforts were made to replace English with Hindi if not as a national language at least as a link language.
The constitution came in the way. Certain states won't accept Hindi as a national language. It was a queer case of majority being blown off by the minority. The national apple cart lost its balance. English remained intact in the southern states, the four metropolitan cities of Delhi, Calcutta, Mumbai and Chennai, in all the centrally administered states, in the North Eastern region of the Seven Sisters and in Punjab.
In the Hindi belt, in Gujarat, in rural Bengal and rural Maharashtra English lost its status. It became an optional subject in colleges. In many competitive examinations it gradually became an optional subject. Most of the states including the Southern ones replaced English with the local language in official work at the lower level.
Gradually even court proceedings were conducted and judgments given in State language. English left the precincts of Assemblies too. It is a partial medium in the Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha and in Nagaland and Mizoram where English has become more or less the mother tongue of the people. In a way English is losing ground in the official parlors everywhere in the country.
The multimillion question is who decides the fate of a social trend or a language or a fashion in a country—the government or the people. The decisions of a government have a political overtone-those of the people are need oriented or backed by sentiments and emotions. It is rather natural chat education should be imparted through the mother tongue of the young one.
Nowhere in the world is it imparted through a foreign language. In a multilinguistic federal structure one of the languages of the land becomes the link language for inter-state relations. That has not been achieved as yet in India. We may have to wait for some time more for its realization. By that time English would work as a link language in official parlors.
During seventies and eighties a new phenomenon was added to the linguistic stage. More and more people among the middle and upper middle class families took a fancy to English medium schools. The increase in the cumber of such schools is four fold.
Every district has at least one Central School with English medium. The number of Convent and Public Schools has also increased considerably. The rush for admission in these institutions is so much that parents spend thousands of rupees for the admission of their wards. Such schools are gradually entering the rural areas too. How can one imagine of the day when English disappears.
The era of liberalization has marked the entry of foreign entrepreneurs on a very large scale. On the other hand the Public Service Undertakings (PSUs) i.e. nationalized sector is passing through its last phase. The employment market for the educated too would be dominated by big entrepreneurs—Indian as well as multinationals.
English has already become a language of the elites and commands the precincts of business and industry. It has come to stay, as politics now is guided not only by sentimental or emotional factors but by economic ones too. It is not being forced upon the people as was done by the past masters in the pre-independence days. It is being accepted voluntarily and would flourish in the bed of linguistic flowers together with other languages. One has not to dream of the day of its disappearance


  1. but i think its wrong to adopt a foreign language completely , we should have our national language like in china , china does his all works in Chinese and that's why people who are outsider to china are also learning there language and culture .. and with india , hindi is 4 largest language in terms of native speaker bangali is 7th but these indian language is not accepted in united nation while Arabic French Russian are accepted in UN they have less number of native speaker compaer to hindi .
    And several research proves that sanskrit(old indian language) was best language but unfortunately we lost that. And our writing script Devnagri script is more scientific and correct in compare to other scripts. but its totally unfortunate for india which have more than 100 language are using a foreign language.. but what to do we can't changed system, our leaders don't want to see indian united thats why they have not declared any language as national language instead of that they made hindi as official language and english in supporting role .. now they are making this a agenda of elections. i have seen one thing that is very funny when a person speaks in english then others thinks that this people is gentleman and educated . even in all job vacancy there is a condition must be fluent in english i thnk they feel english is parameter to analyse ability of person total shit ... take a look on history of english it is a cheap language made from latin .. but yes now it is widely accepted so we can't avoid it

    1. Ya I can understand what you want to convey but yet we have to be practical in todays world and everywhere we use english for conveying of messages and dont get angry on my reply that the language which you said was cheap was only used by you to publish comment here but i am not blaming you nor anyone can blame anyone its like English has been injected into us like malaria that we use it more than any other language and thanx for visiting the page. Please say your friends also that you know about this blog

    2. also if you want any essay on any topic please comment below
