A true citizen is a responsible member of society. He is fully conscious of his duties and rights. He cares for his duties more than for his rights. He is public spirited and nuts the country or the people above self. He is also conscious of the debt he owes to society. He gives to society in the same measure as he receives from it.
He makes the corporate life as smooth as possible in order that all may equally benefit by it. He creates such conditions of life that facilitate the development of social sense in us and thereby fostering in us a spirit of unity for the good of the community.
A true citizen is a rare kind of man, like a good friend or a good servant. He refrains from doing harm to others in any shape or form. He is law abiding. He is pure in thought, word and deed. His actions are in keeping with his words. He is a gentleman par excellence. He never goes back on his word.
He respects the rights of others in order to protect his own rights. He does not want a privilege for himself only. He expresses his views and religious sentiments without offending those of others He is fun of toleration.
He does not impede or hinder others' rights to property life, conscience, religion, culture, free movements, profession association and peace. He is helpful to his neighbours and useful to the state.
He not only obeys laws himself but also sees that others to do it. A true citizen does not harbour a dacoit or gives help to a declared rogue. He protests against the commission of evil and crime and reports misdeeds of others to the nearest police station as quickely as possible. He does not take part in any antisocial activities or subversive movements.
He is never a source of irritation or nuisance to others. He lives a clean and tidy life. He keeps the surroundings of his house neat and clean. He willingly pays all taxes. He insists on the government or state or municipality to discharge their duties properly.
He does not tamely submit to a wrong duty. Discipline and cooperation are his watchwords. Public spirit and patriotism are the guiding principles of his life. He is above selfishness and party spirit. He is a lover of mankind.
He is a patriot but not a blind zealot. A true citizen keeps himself in perfect health to be of service to the country. He is a slave to duty and not a slave of his passions. Last but not the least, he is true to his own self. He is always guided by moral considerations.
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