Increasing popularity of television, computer, and video games contribute to children's inactive lifestyles. The average child spends 24 hours a week watching television. This time could be spent in some recreational or physical activity. Be a role model for your children. If children see you active, they are more likely to be active and stay active for the rest of their lives.
For young growing minds and bodies, a healthy diet and an active lifestyle bring about great results.Too many children these days come home and watch television instead of going to the community pool or playing a pick-up game of basketball at the local YMCA.
More and more, we see children who are bored, because they haven't been raised with a sports-minded attitude. Even if a child's parent is not athletically inclined, they still need to help set recreational goals for their children. Children need something of their own.
Sports and other recreational activities diminish unhealthy habits and patterns that may lead to diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, joint pain and discomfort, heart disease, strokes, cancer and other serious causes. There is proof that students achieve more academically, when physically fit. But we can't rely on the school programs to meet the physical needs of our children; all families need to plan activities to be physically fit together, such as walking and talking throughout the day
It is not difficult to see why so many kids are on the path to being overweight. In a public school classroom, about 50% of the students are overweight. The culture of overeating, poor food quality and sedentary life styles is pervasive. Run in the park with the dog, bike ride as a family on the weekend, etc. This is a great way to spend time together, while being physically active.
Find activities that work for you and your family and implement sports and recreation together. Engaging in outside sports is a great opportunity for your child to exercise and interact socially. Action sports such as skateboarding are popular; these kinds of activities are a great way to allow children to do what they want without any coaches or peer pressure.
It involves doing what they love while spending time with their friends, and staying healthy and active without realizing it. Participating in sports not only keeps children healthier and happier, but also teaches children the importance of goal setting, motivation, dedication and teamwork.
Truly sports are an integral part of what children need to learn at a very young age. It will make a world of difference in adulthood and continue this pattern from generation to generation. When a child grows, bones grow faster than muscles and tenders. It is important for young people to believe they can accomplish and achieve whatever they desire, while feeling confident in their own interest and ability.
This in itself will lead to high self- esteem, a sense of belonging, and encouraging a healthier lifestyle. What better way to stay healthy while having fun and doing what you love to do?! In the end a healthy and happy child will be bowling a strike, hitting a home run, or scoring the winning goal, and even if they don't, the satisfaction of a job well done, and friends and memories that will last them a lifetime. A healthy and physically fit life is the road to a long and successful stress free life.
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