Medieval Bhakti Movement led to significant results. At a time when religious ideas tended to become dry, lifeless and static, rituals and ceremonies took the place of spiritual enlightenment, the teachings and personality of the saints galvanised the inert masses. First, the Bhakti Movement was a wide- spread movement and it covered the entire country. The main objective of Bhakti thinkers was to reform Hindu religion. It virtually created a revolution in Hindu society. Secondly, this movement broke the barriers of casteism. People began to realise that all are equal before God.
Thirdly, the Bhakti Movement tried to achieve two practical objects. The one that it tried to reform Hinduism by discarding image worship and the caste system. The other objective was to promote a feeling of brotherhood among Hindus and Muslims.
Fourthly, the preachers of the Bhakti Cult attempted to bridge the gulf between Hinduism and Islam. Fifthly, the Bhakti preachers restored the loyalty of low class Hindus to their religion by preaching equality of all men. Their strong protest against Brahmini calorthodoxy led to a major reform in Hindu society. The simple idea of the Bhakti Movement that God is kind to all devotees destroyed the basis of orthodox Hinduism.
Sixthly, the Bhakti Movement promoted tolerance and synthesis between Hinduism and Islam. Instead entering into conflict, with each other they tried to understand the philosophy of their respective religions, their ceremonies, and tried to ensure harmony. A new cult known as the Cult of Satya Pir appeared under the initiative of king Husain Shah of Jaunpur, and both sects started worshipping it and this paved the way for the liberal ideas of Akbar, the great Mughal emperor.
Seventhly, the Bhakti Movement made a great impact on vernacular literature and language. The Bhakti preachers used to preach in the language of ordinary people. So everywhere local languages began to develop. New devotional books were written in local languages, Kabir, Nanak in Hindi and Gurumukeri respectively, Sri Chaitanya in Bengali, thereby local languages were enriched. In Bengali the Chaitanya biographies like Chaitanya Charita Mrita, Chaitanya Bhagabata are very important works. Many Muslims writers translated Sanskrit works into regional languages like Marathi, Maithali and Braja Bhasi. One of the famous contributions of Bhakti movement during the medieval period in Orissa was the literature produced by the Pancha Sakhas.
The five associates i.e. Achyuta, Balarama, Jagannath, Yasobanta and Ananta created this new Oriya literature by absorbing the influence of medieval Vaishnavism and Bhakti Movement. Finally, Bhakti Movement by laying stress on the moral values of life not only improved the general character of the society as a whole but also changed Muslim rule in to a national Government under Akbar the Great.
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