Biography of Mahadeo Govind Ranade

A social and political reformer, Ranade was born in 1842 in Maharashtra. A graduate of the University of Bombay, his professional career touched the peak in 1893 with his appoint­ment as judge of the Bombay High Court. He became involved in the working of a number of institutions aiming at social, economic and political advancement of India such as the poona Sarvajanik Sabha, the Social Conference, Industrial Conference, the Prarthana Samaj and the Indian National Congress.
For social reform, Ranade believed that the discrimina­tory caste values must be done away with. Hence, he support­ed the Bhakti movement (Bhagwat Dharma) which gave all castes equal status in society. Equality of the sexes, the spread of education, rescuing children and widows from social injustices, protection of agricultural workers and land tenants from exploitation—these causes were espoused by Ranade with fervor. The State had an immense responsibility in ensuring social equality but ultimately it is the people them­selves who have to work for their betterment. Ranade held that the social, economic and administrative aspects of society are interlinked so that social uplift, political liberties and eco­nomic rights go hand in hand.
The necessary transformation of the Indian society would be a gradual process. Ranade advocated moderate methods and not outright rebellion to effect the transforma­tion. Such moderate activities include legislative and execu­tive methods, teaching and enlightening the masses and finally reforms through state penalties.


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