Essay on “Are We Different”

Essay on “Are We Different” - We took birth as humans. Does that make us any special from other living entities? Yeah it should. When one person asks how? For example after reading first few lines you would (actually you should!) be wondering about the question!
That's the thing that makes us different from other living entities , it's called consciousness. Consciousness is defined as awareness of one's ownexistence, sensations, thoughts, surroundings, etc.
Now a person can argue that a goat is also conscious . But how does the goat react in a slaughter house when a fellow goat is butchered? It doesn't care at all because it's busy in enjoying the green grass given by the butcher. In that situation will a human react like a goat or immediately he tries to survive( If you did see the "SAW" film you will know it better)? Then what can we conclude?
The level of consciousness is different in both of the living species. Now the question again arises "How does that make us different?" It makes us different by making us realize our goal in our life.
Now again a question arises is that "What is our goal?" Is it just to enjoy the material desires ? Then what makes us different from an animal say dog ? Dog wants to enjoy . They search for food , we search for good restaurants . They try to defend themself using claws , we try to do that with atom bomb. They sleep , we sleep in air conditioned bed room. They have sex , we try to have sex in a professional way!(or their way itself). so what do we call it? Advanced animalism?
So why are we born as humans? To realize something great is there in this universe . Something which controls the flow of time and life, something that diffrentiates a living from dead , something that makes us search for happiness , something that guides us from inside by telling us what is right or wrong. When one questions this within himself then that person is said to realizing about his consciousness. So start questioning!


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