If I Were a Politician in India

Politicians - yes, I understand that, this is the highest, rung of dignitaries in a country, so India could be no exception. If I were a politician in India, I would be a class apart from others of that clan.
Politicians in India at least in the present times are a class to be suspected, abhorred disliked and never to be trusted. This dismal image of politicians in India is now a fact hidden from no one.
So, if I were to be a politician of India,; my first and immediate aim would be to try my best to erase this ugly notion from the minds of the people. I understand that, in India, politicians are the most powerful;beings in the hierarchy of executives, they have status, and' they get a tremendous number of perks with their enviable positions. I often do wonder, why should they after getting so much, still resort to malpractices to earn more and more.
If I were an Indian politician, I would be the most satisfied person, getting all that was my due and try my best to give the masses what they deserve, in return of bringing me to the position of a politician.
I would realize that they, the electorate, the people elect me they vote for me, not for my progress, but because they think I could get progress for them. With this idea clear in my mind, I would set myself ready to serve the people and not myself.
My first priority would be to return to the masses in all fairness all that they had done for me. They had given me prestige, love, and a lot of regard, in the expectation of my looking after their small, day to day interests.
My first target would be the perks of politicians for, in my view, all the perks that go with the position of the politicians are just too much for them to consume, and this leads to the misuse of the perks and privileges.
Moreover, I would understand that, a poor country like India can ill afford such indulgence for a handful of its people at the cost of the prosperity of the masses. My first work as a politician would be to attack the perks that are given on a platter to the politicians who represent a poor country.
The priority to be next tackled by me would be my avenue of work. I would go and spend much of the time of each year in my constituency. This I would do as, I realize that, it is these people who have voted for me and given me the gift of this position, and it is these people who deserve my full support.
With this in mind, I would stay as long as possible in my constituency instead of in Delhi. I would live with them, study their needs, and try to get their problems solved for them as, this is why they voted for me.
My next sphere of activity would be to keep away as for as possible from the community of criminals that would then allow me to work honestly. I would try my best to stay away from criminals and their clan, and avoid playing into their clutches.
This is because I realize that, once the politician gets into the labyrinth of criminals, the hold becomes a dangerous combination of the criminal and the politician.
With these three priorities in my mind as a politician, I would serve my country to the best of my capacity. I would never forget to serve the people who helped me to this elevated position of a politician.
With this attitude I am sure, I would get through the election again and again, for, if I serve truly and honestly no one would ever stand a chance of fighting an election against me. This is because I would be serving my people and they would never leave me for any one else.
I really feel that if politicians in India were of good stuff honest, devoted, and sincere there could be no power in stem the progress of this country. This is because this highest rung of the ladder has to be of good quality ant safe, in order to allow other rungs to work with efficiency.


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